Thursday, September 5, 2013

Jodi, Oh Jodi!

I have seven nieces (four had a choice, three didn't) and they're ALL special - each has her own unique point of view, style and taste.  Because I lived for a few years with Miss Jodi - I probably know her taste best.  Budapest has a fancy street that might be the equivalent of America's Fifth Avenue - its named Andrassy Utca (street).  Today I saw this window display and couldn't help but think of JoJo!  Books falling from the sky, funky skirt with an old fashion/mod blouse and ankle boots.  The only thing missing is a sparkly necklace!!!

Another window that made me think of Jodi was in front of a shop that made handmade gloves.  Jodi would have certainly gone inside to take a closer look - maybe try a few on.

One last display caught my eye -  I'm not one for furs, but this fuzzy vest would be welcome in my closet anytime!  I'm just sayin'...

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