Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Market Day!

Last Saturday I made a short stop at the famous Budapest Market.  For hundreds of years people have come here to buy their vegetables, meat, and spices.  Because we're in the middle of a heat wave, its especially fun to see how the locals are keeping cool. One rather rotund man had pulled his shirt up across his chest to reveal his shorts hiked up almost as high - revealing only a sliver of ivory midriff.

Another difficult sight was that of a gypsy woman begging at the entrance. Her back was so bent with scoliosis that she looks like she's leaning over. I wonder how someone can survive in so much pain and difficulty.  Even though I had my super zoom lens on my camera - she still caught me taking her picture yikes!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great pic Kyle, I'm happy you are having a blast in budapest :)
