Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Break in the Heat

Budapest has been stuck in a blistering heat wave for weeks.  Yesterday it topped 104 degrees and  most of the buildings don't have air conditioning.  The humidity is low, so its not quite as heavy as Greenville heat, but all I've wanted to do is go swimming.  Last night the wind blew in a cool front and now we're basking in 80 degree weather and I'm reaching for my sweater (not really).  But for the first time I felt like getting out and seeing the sights.

Today was the day to begin my search for hungarian fabrics.  I'm going to use them as my "canvas" for my residency paintings.  Happily I found at least three good resources and purchased one really great woven fabric.  I also really enjoyed walking around the city.  Its been eight years since I was here last and as most of you know - I have absolutely no sense of direction.  Usually I'm so stressed trying to figure out which street I'm on and what direction I'm traveling and miss amazing sights all around.  Enter the iPhone - now I'm a moving blue dot on the screen and I know exactly where I am!  Technology has certainly changed my outlook and I am truly, truly grateful.  Now I can look up and see the beauty in the magnificent city.  Check out these lampposts!

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